Katerina's Story

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June 2003 arrived, and the Doctors told me I must have a mastectomy. I felt that the operation was devastating to me as a woman, a human and also, culturally. Naturally, I was afraid and felt the procedure would make me unholy. My spiritual upbringing taught me; 'what you are born with, you go back with'.

Here I was, depressed, angry and scared, about to be un-whole. I had part of my body removed and buried back into my Whenua (land). This time was an extremely uncomfortable and challenging time for me both medically and spiritually. I indeed accepted the need for an operation, but would not have gotten that far without support. The medical staff were fantastic, the monitoring was tremendous, and the information I provided to me helped me make a plan forward for my health. We are so blessed to live in Aotearoa (New Zealand) where we have exceptional public healthcare, and people are cared for after well.

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I started to plan to help my body beat the condition and side effects through the addition of a natural health support regimen. I went to my father to ask for his opinion and whether he thought the path I was about to take was a good idea. I was elated when he turned to me and immediately supported me on the journey I was about to go on. Years prior, in 2003, we had lost four of my uncles, which was devastating for him and the whanau (family), as they were his youngest siblings. They had all succumbed to diabetes and cancer-related illnesses.

"After the operation, I started the difficult road with chemotherapy every three weeks, from July to November. It was one of the most challenging times of my life - unpleasant but necessary and needed. "

I was fortunate I didn't experience any sickness at the time as I know many people going through this does.

Throughout this process, my husband supported me. We would always make time to celebrate the small wins. Every time after a chemotherapy session, we would go and have a meal in the park of raw fish, oysters, muscles and kina. I was taking one day at a time - one day, one week, one month, one year, and planned for many years in my future. At the end of the chemotherapy course, my body and mind were not 100%. I suffered some short term memory loss (and still do to this day) - it was like my brain was overloaded. I could not remember what I had done each day. I could not, and still cannot, run distances like I used to. There were many other side effects such as things, not tasting like they used to and much more. The treatment left me weak physically, but, by the end of that year, I had my plan and could finally look forward. I became even more positive about the future and tried to find some natural herbs in various health shops. I hoped these could help me in my journey to build resistance and help my body get back into balance.

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My husband and I focused on building our home, working hard, looking after family and staying healthy. In March 2004, we moved to Kaeo to being our life on the new acreage. Things were looking up, but then disaster struck again. My husband, Gary, suffered a stroke. Both him and I were not in the right place, but we had each other, faith and a positive attitude. A quick thank-you to Gary's mum, his children and their mother and close friends for all the support - we would not have been able to do any of it without you.

Our life together stabilised and we managed our health well. For the next five years, I looked after myself well and ate well. I went for my regular checks and scans for any sign of cancer returning, working closely with my specialists at the hospital. I was relieved to be in remission finally - or so I thought.

"June 2017 was another huge shock for me. I was (again) diagnosed with breast cancer - more specifically ductal carcinoma of the left breast metastatic to nodes and lesions in my lungs."

The oncologist stated that the cancer cells from the original breast which was removed, unfortunately, didn't all die from the chemotherapy.

I had been reading a lot about natural, plant-based support and Rongoā. I then decided to look at Maori medicine and healing natural remedies. My husband and I concentrated on natural foods as part of our diet. I started going for Mirimiri (natural healing) each week and was referred to other natural healers.

The first day I met them was interesting. As I approached the stairs to the house, this woman stood on the balcony looking down at me. She had a Tamoko on her chin, forehead and lips. Her eyes were wide like Pukana eyes. Each week I would see her for healing and started taking Kawakawa Tonic.

"Kawakawa is called the 'pharmacy of the forest' and is a core herb used in traditional Maori medicine or Rongoā."

During this time, I was very spiritual and seeking a natural response to my cancer issues. I became reserved and withdrawn, not wanting people around me. I would go walking in the dark under the stars in the bush and talk to myself. My husband told me that I was acting very strange indeed - and I wouldn't blame him! I took a great interest in the Rongoā and learnt how to collect the correct leaves, process the Kawakawa Rongoā, a gift from Atua to others in need.

By November 2017, m life had stabilised, I had a good job, a supportive family and friends. My interest in Rongoā had grown, and I began making more and more Kawakawa Rongoā, giving it to others in need.

Kawakawa Kūmarahou Tonic